Sleep Dentistry Epping Dentist Epping

Why sleep dentistry?

We know that patients are frequently nervous about the prospect of seeing a dentist.

Sleep Dentistry itself is a very pleasant and enjoyable experience. It takes the stress out of the dental procedure and makes the dental experience enjoyable as well. After the first time it is no longer mysterious and unknown. The time in the dental chair seems to pass in the blink of an eye, and subsequent visits are far less stressful.

In fact, many patients report looking forward to seeing our dentist after that – both because the experience of Sleep Dentistry is so relaxing.  Most importantly, they know they are finally getting the dental care they need, after having put it off for months or even years!

Sleep Dentistry takes the stress and anxiety out of the dental visit, so that you can enjoy the benefits of having beautiful healthy teeth once again.

What is sleep dentistry?

Sleep Dentistry involves the use of an intravenous (“IV”) sedation administered and supervised by a qualified and experienced medical doctor.  It is often referred to as “Twilight Sleep”, “Twilight Sedation” or “Conscious Sedation”.

It is the most advanced form of dental sedation available and uses a combination of sedative and pain-relieving drugs to create a drowsy and dream-like state of deep, calming relaxation for the entire duration of your dental procedure.

It is a modern, safe and highly effective technique that will make your visit to the dentist a relaxing, comfortable and enjoyable experience.

What happens during sleep dentistry?

When you sit in our dentist’s chair, you will be covered with a warm blanket. A blood pressure cuff will be wrapped around one of your arms for monitoring your blood pressure during the procedure.

In the other arm a cannula is gently and quickly inserted. This is the one and only needle you will get and it’s only hair-thin – It’s the same type used for infants and children. We can assure you that it doesn’t hurt and most people are barely aware of it.  For others it’s like a small scratch or mosquito-bite! In any event, it isn’t left in the arm.  It’s removed immediately and discarded. What’s left in place is a “cannula” (a small plastic port), which allows us to do two things.

  • Repeated doses of the sedation drugs can be given throughout the entire procedure without you having to feel any more needles – the needles go into the cannula; not your skin.
  • These repeated doses are small, without large doses ever being required! This is what keeps Sleep Dentistry very safe. You are breathing and maintaining your blood pressure on your own without assistance. We are sitting there at your side the entire time monitoring you with state-of-the-art equipment.

We take our time getting you to the proper, relaxed state. Slowly and gradually, you will slip into a very pleasant, warm and relaxing dream-like state – not quite awake and not quite asleep.

Don’t worry! Our dentist will not start anything until you are properly sedated.  During this time you will be unaware of, and undisturbed by the noises, tastes, sights and smells of the dental procedure.  You won´t be disturbed by the needles, drilling or any instruments in the mouth. There is no pain, no anxiety and no discomfort.  You won´t even be aware of the injections in your mouth!

Although the sedation is deep enough to be relaxed, comfortable and unaware, you will still be able to cooperate with our dentist if asked. Afterwards, you will drift off again with no recollection of that ever happening. It is an amazing property of Sleep Dentistry that when it is all over, you tend not to remember any of it at all. You are left with a heightened sense of wellbeing. It feels as though you slept right through it and that time has passed by in an instant. In fact you were hovering between being awake and being asleep.

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