Close Up Of Girl Drinking Sugary Fizzy Soda From Glass With Straw




Sugary drinks and teens

Have your teens got into the habit of having a sports drink after sports training or their weekly sports match? Has celebration come to mean a 1,100 ml slushy for them? Or is being sophisticated mean a 500ml bottle of iced tea? Do they want to down a 600 ml bottle of cola or lemon squash when they are eating out? Your Dentist Epping, the Cancer Council, the Heart Foundation and Diabetes Australia will tell you that these habits are terrible for your teen’s future oral and physical health. The high concentrations of sugar and acid in all these drinks…

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Gum Disease




Diabetes and oral health

There’s another pandemic sweeping the country at present, too – diabetes. You may think of diabetes as an eating disorder, but it is also dangerous for dental disease. The problem is that many people are not aware that they have diabetes – or are at risk of developing it. So, we at your Dentist Epping will tell you some of the oral health signs for possible diabetes. Does brushing or flossing cause your gums to bleed? This can be a sign of early gum disease. Do come to see us if this is the case to ensure you are brushing and…

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epping dentist




Dry mouth in elderly people

Your Epping Dentist would like you to check in with how moist or dry the inside of your mouth seems to be. Perhaps it feels as moist as usual – and that is good. However, it might feel drier than it used to be, that it doesn’t seem to be producing as much saliva as it used to. You might not worry about this, as too much saliva used to be a bit of a problem. Having plenty of saliva in our mouths is very important. It does more than just lubricate the inside of the mouth – it performs several…

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routin dental services




Routine Dental Services at Rawson Dental Will Resume as NSW Eases Restrictions

You will be able to access the full range of dental care including routine dental treatment (such as check ups and cleans) on the Monday after NSW reaches the goal of 70% double COVID-19 vaccinations. The NSW Government Roadmap to Freedoms outlines the freedoms of fully vaccinated people and those with medical exemptions. Once NSW reopens, we will be able to see fully vaccinated adults (and children aged 16 and over) and the children under 16 of fully vaccinated parents for the full range of dental care. One parent/guardian can accompany a child. We will continue to be open for emergency…

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Dentist Epping




Emergency appointments are available!

Life is tough and complicated during the current COVID lockdown here in NSW, and elsewhere too, of course! COVID might be raging in our community, but people’s dental issues still continue. Unfortunately, for instance, we cannot see you for routine dental treatments such as check-ups; that is not allowed by the NSW Health Department’s COVID rules or the regulations of the NSW Dental Council. We are very sorry about that and can only implore you to care for your oral health even more rigorously than usual. Carry on brushing and flossing your teeth to the beat of your ability. Eat…

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