Dr. Tracy Dentist




Dental visits in a time of pandemic

It’s quite possible that your regular visits to your Dentist Epping went out the window during the past year with COVID-19’s interruption of our lives. Please be aware, though, that dentists in general (and that certainly includes us) have the very highest standards of infection control in the country. So there is no need to worry about visiting us! Our dental clinic is a very safe place because of our mandated and monitored infection control. On top of that, we have set the special COVID-19 preventive systems in place advised by the government. We want you to be safe in our…

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Epping Dentist




Looking after your kidneys as well as your oral health

It turns out that your Epping Dentist does much more for you than caring for your dental health – great though that is! We used to think that brushing our teeth was just for keeping our teeth clean, but now we know it’s for more than that. We also clean them for the sake of our heart’s health and for lessening the impact of Type 2 Diabetes. And now we know it helps keep our kidneys healthy, too! Apparently, there’s a two-way relationship between gum disease and chronic kidney disease (renal health). The people with chronic kidney disease with the…

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Complete Denture




How can I get rid of the white spots on my teeth?

Even though you’ve found out what the white spots could be – and be more than happy to more diligently clean and floss your teeth daily, you might consider your white spots unsightly and want them removed if possible. If that’s the case, do come to us to discuss the situation with your Dentist Epping. Depending on the particular cause of your white spots, there should be something we can do to treat them. In any case, even if they don’t bother you, do come to see us if they enlarge or increase in number – or if you start…

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Dr Thuy Le and Child




What’s the best way to brush your teeth?

You’ve been brushing your teeth for years, but do you ever wonder if you are doing it correctly? We at your Epping Dentist are always going on about how important it is, so we decided to give you a quick “brush up” on brushing your teeth! Please, do read this as you might learn something very useful you didn’t previously know. The first thing is to use a small, soft brush. Ditch your brush if it is hard as that is more likely to damage your teeth or gums. A pea-sized ball of fluoridated toothpaste on your toothbrush is plenty,…

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Healthy bite – occlusion and malocclusion

When you come to your friendly dentist at Epping Dentist for a check-up, one of the things he or she will check is your occlusion – or malocclusion. “Occlusion” and “Malocclusion” are just fancy terms that refer to how the teeth in your upper and lower jaws touch each other and how they move sideways when you close your jaws. Healthy occlusion, a healthy bite, occurs when your teeth are in touch with each other as they are meant to. Your upper and lower molars will interlock simultaneously and evenly with a little more pressure than on the teeth in…

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